
Revenue by user bat Amazon Appstore on iOS, Google game, said Game Developer TinyCo

TinyCo, a mobile game supported by Andreessen Horowitz, start is yet another important game developer who is presented to show that revenue per user on Amazon appstore is recorded much higher than what is on Google.

The company, which has more # 25, Box-Office of the games on iOS and Android, has watched his Tiny Village, a simulation prehistoric theme of the game, which is available on all three stores in Google, Apple and Amazon, and found that, when you stop the platform, the Amazon store 80% better Monetize the user from iTunes. If you break your on Amazon Kindle Tablet market, 43 per cent of monetize the user better than the iPads. If Amazon is even better than Apple, according to their number.

This cloth is not on Google. TinyCo numbers are not so evil, if you look in the Google store. When you look at only the Android phones (excluding any device Amazon, because they offer a phone), these devices generates 82 percent of revenue by user which iPhone do.

Update: some readers complain pointing to an isolated case of a single developer, which is clearly not representative of the whole of the market. Then this is the thing: TinyCo is one of the game developers a few dozen that actually took the top Box-Office in all stores in three. Market of the Amazon is still small and only published in-app purchase beta, a few weeks ago it is a really that many developers who have significant data ARPU (average revenue per user).

And here's the overview: TinyCo numbers are a little different from the recent swirl of provider data mobile analytics, which dealt with a basket of applications that are available through the three shops. Burst found that for every $1 for each user in the iOS store, shop Amazon generated $0.89 and $0.23 of Google product set. Analysis of the Vortex are more than 150,000 applications, so they have a very large sample size.

Another great, independent developer also shared some promising statistics on Amazon Appstore a few weeks ago: Storm8 said that it $700,000 in revenue during its first month in the Amazon store.

There are a few things to think all first data outside the Amazon store, however. (1) Google did not have the experience of years that Amazon is in the treatment of payments and manage e-commerce-oriented model income. (2) lack the database of credit cards that the Amazon and Apple, which creates friction for consumers when they want to pay and enter their personal information. (3) is still at the beginning for Amazon turn only sell to early adopters, who have more disposable income. Number of times, revenue per user may trend down as a device or platform through the public. Amazon Appstore 4) is still only available to us consumers. So iTunes and Google numbers game are on average less profitable international markets customers.

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